احصلو على 50% خصم على منتجات كايا للبشرة عند شراء 5 أو أكثر.

How Can We Help?

الحماية من أشعة الشمس

Kaya Sun Defence - Sunscreen Products

Your first line of defence against sun damage, Kaya Sun Defense contains special UV absorbers that protect your skin from the dark side of the sun. Prevent sunburn, photo-ageing, tanning and freckles with these special formulations. From sunrise to sunset, you’re covered.

Kaya Sun Defence - Sunscreen Products

Your first line of defence against sun damage, Kaya Sun Defense contains special UV absorbers that protect your skin from the dark side of the sun. Prevent sunburn, photo-ageing, tanning and freckles with these special formulations. From sunrise to sunset, you’re covered.
